
Let us take hands and reach out to those less fortunate than ourselves.


Option 1:

Support us on GiveSendGo

Option 2:

To request a Donation Info Card via email, we just need to know you are human (click on the button).

Click   'Show the valid email address'

for the valid email address (like our own private reCaptcha)

Now please Click on the valid email 

or Click here - then delete the dashes in the TO box: reach-out@el-shammah.org




reachout email address

Then we will send our banking details as a reply to your email requesting the Donation Info Card.

No data is collected and no cookies are used.
We simply need to protect against spam by asking you to CLICK on the SHOW THE VALID EMAIL ADDRESS button above - which is something a bot cannot do.
While some are used to the official reCaptcha utility, our home-grown little script simply shows our valid reachout email address for your convenience, once the button is clicked.
To confuse the bots even more, very occasionally, you might need to click the button TWICE!!!
If javascript is disabled, or you use a non-standard browser, a picture showing the valid email address is also displayed, so you can see it and send a mail yourself, because humans are more clever than bots. But you knew that already, of course.

Site will be updated, monthly, as the project grows
(Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-Shift-R to Reload / Refresh)